Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why So Few Voters?

Well, it's done. The polls are closed, and the results are still arriving. I haven't much about which to type, except a frightening observation from earlier today.

When I arrived at Dunbar Elementary to vote, I saw not one other voter in the entire room. After my driver's license and signature were pored over, another voter entered, but that was it for the duration of my stay. I can't imagine why nobody else had bothered, at least while I was there; the entire process took about four minutes. Of course, voter turnout in Atlanta has been low before.

It's really not that difficult to vote. The polling sites were open for twelve hours and, as far as I could tell, were impeccably managed. The only excuse I can deduce for most eligible voters not showing up is simple apathy, which has cost this city, state and nation immeasurable rewards and resources over the course of their existence.

To summarize: when the opportunity again comes for you to vote, Atlanta, please do so. High voter turnout is not only indicative of civic enthusiasm, but the best safeguard against voter fraud.

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